
AC Installation for Window Units – Spokane Events

The process is simple. Although it’s not that difficult it’s still important to understand the process prior to beginning. In this guide we’ll go over the procedure of AC installation for window units.

First, get the right tools. It is necessary to have a measuring tape, screwdrivers, as well as a power drill. Measure the window so you know how much space you’ll need. After you measure the AC unit you can see how it fits in the window or have to create more space. It is important to do this ahead of time so you are aware of a certain that the AC can accommodate in the window at the time you start the installation.

Once the measuring is done then you are able to put the AC in the window. If you are placing it in the window make sure you are doing it carefully and it is in the location you’d like. Within the window it is necessary to secure to the side panels. You will find the sides on both sides of your AC. These panels are placed there for the purpose of keeping it in location. Once the side panels have been fixated, you’re good to take off.


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