Do it yourself. Make contact with your local roofing service. In the event that you opt to build a roof on your own, there are a few typical mistakes you need to be aware of. This is explained in this video.
It is not recommended to use asphalt roofing shingles for any roof with a slope. Because water flows through the roof at a slower rate, this is problematic. It takes longer to get into the roof before it can run off the roof’s shingles. It can damage the shingles as well as the roof in time. It’s better to get special shingles specifically for lower-sloped roofs. You may also want to consider metal sheet roofing instead if you have flat roofing. This is a viable choice because it’s only one continuous sheet of metal. There is no way for water to penetrate.
Another mistake that is common is having shingles hang too far over the roof. It could cause issues for the longer term. It is better to have your shingles hang over the roof approximately half an inch , unless you specify otherwise.