
The Pricing Options of a Janitor Service – Loyalty Driver


Every space that gets a lot of use needs to be cleaned frequently. As it’s simple to hire a janitor, this solution can be very well-known. There are several pricing options available when hiring a professional. Let’s look over the various pricing options offered by an janitor’s service.

In this article, we will discuss the primary pricing option one, which is the time-based rate charged to cleaning staff. The cost of work could vary dependent on the amount of time that is spent cleaning. If they bill you for several hours, this might not be an issue.

The second topic we’ll discuss is the cost per square foot. This is the method by which cleaning staff will be charged according upon the their work. For the janitors who have huge spaces to keep clean, this can be an excellent option.

It is important to be aware of the various prices available when you need to employ a janitor.


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